ILLUSIONS Grada Kilomba
In this performance, previously staged at the Biennale de Sao Paulo (2016), artist Grada Kilomba brings the oral African tradition of storytelling into a contemporary context to recover the memories and realities of a neo-colonial world. The artist explores the coexistence of times through her recasting of the myths of Narcissus and Echo, in which the present seems suffocated by a colonial past. Through her performance, she poses the question: How do we break out of this colonial and patriarchal mould? The performance will be followed by a Q&A with the artist, moderated by Katayoun Arian. Fri 14 July, Art Evening, language: English, 7.30 pm: intro, 7.40 pm: performance, 8.20 pm: break, 8.30 pm: in conversation & Q&A, free entrance, reservation required, website