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An ex­hi­bi­tion with art in­stal­la­tions by Su­sana Mejía, Pamela Rosenkranz, and An­icka Yi

This ex­hi­bi­tion, bring­ing to­gether work by Pamela Rosenkranz, Su­sana Mejia, and An­icka Yi, in­vites us to en­gage with a rarely vis­ited part of the world: the Ama­zon. The largest trop­i­cal rain­for­est in the planet, Ama­zo­nia ex­tends over nine dif­fer­ent coun­tries in South Amer­ica, in­clud­ing Brazil and parts of Venezuela, Colom­bia, and Suri­name. Sci­en­tists have likened its ecosys­tem to the lungs of our planet, like a larger-than-hu­man or­gan tak­ing in, but also pro­duc­ing, oxy­gen. Sim­i­larly, as an or­gan­ism, art ex­hi­bi­tions op­er­ate as en­ti­ties that make world­views pal­pa­ble. For, his­tor­i­cally, artists have come to pic­ture, and make vis­i­ble, un­knowns. In so do­ing, artists probe at what an im­age of a place, its ex­pe­ri­ence and its me­di­a­tions, may come to con­sti­tute or trig­ger; they ex­plore the lim­its of an im­age, and what its ends could be­come. Website