t’s just the beast under your bed, in your Closet, In your Closet, In your Closet, In your Closet, In your bed, in Terra Dominion. The jointly designed installation at MAMA, made from the physical surplus of our contemporary Western society, considers the house as the place where traditional, often-forbidden rituals and occult practices occur. The house is abandoned, and visitors wander through rooms in which strange objects and inexplicable remainders are the only traces of human occupation. This enigmatic and engaging environment offers the ideal ambience for new and existing video works by Tarwuk, Anni, and Jaakko. za 18 nov 2017 t/m zo 11 febr 2018, opening vr 17 nov, MAMA, tijdens de Kunstavond op de vrijdagen gratis toegang van 18.00 – 21.00 uur, website