image: Opening Kunsthalle for Music op donderdag 25 januari 2018 bij Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam. Fotograaf: Nieuwe Beelden Makers.
image: Opening Kunsthalle for Music op donderdag 25 januari 2018 bij Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam. Fotograaf: Nieuwe Beelden Makers.

Kunsthalle for Music

At Kunsthalle for Music, an ensemble performs on-site a four-hour musical score of artworks drawn from a “repertoire” or collection, which includes existing and newly commissioned solos, duets, and group pieces. The ensemble is present in the second- and third-floor galleries on Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 1 pm to 5pm, and on Fridays from 5pm to 9pm. Website