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Kunstavond Radio: Episode 2

Tune in next week on 7 May, 9 pm for Episode 2 of Kunstavond Radio:

TENT presents “Off-Shore”, a concept album, directed by Lavinia Xausa in collaboration with the Rotterdam spoken-word artists and musicians Neusa Gomes, Kiki Luitwieler, Kevin Josias, Adeiye Tjon, Rik Zutphen, Kenny Gomes, Shiva Willem, Jephan Esseboom, and Ismael Lo. The music and lyrics in the album, are written in response to their conversations about the super-diverse character of Rotterdam, Dutch colonial history, and how it continues to this day in Rotterdam communities. Tonight, Xausa will guide the audience in listening to the album.

MAMA interviews a music scientist on how Radio jingles influence our brain and what it does to our mind when we listen to them. Afterward, the crew in the studio will test their Jingle knowledge. How many Jingles can you remember?