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In the eighth episode of the Kunstavond Radio (Listen live at 9 pm CEST):

TENT pre­sents: Geo Wyeth will per­form an ex­cerpt from their on­go­ing stank po­etry stew, Muck Stud­ies Dept. Spo­ken from the point of view of a fake city agent, whose job it is to wade through low ly­ing wa­ters in the Dutch land­scape, ‘look­ing for stars out of what stinks.’ Visit TENT and Shim­mer to see and hear more from the Muck Stud­ies Dept.

MAMA pre­sents: a show­case of new de­sign re­search and mixed me­dia duo Lim­i­nal Vi­sion (con­sist­ing of Sxm­bra [“Som­bra”] and nvis­i­ble stu­dio), and in par­tic­u­lar their world­build­ing pro­ject Zhouwei Net­work [“Djowey Net­work”]. The mix pro­vides a glimpse into the three pos­si­ble so­ci­eties of the fu­ture: Dol­phin Waves, Drag­on­fly and Pro­ject Gecko, and the “lim­i­nal realm” from which we can re­flect on the col­lec­tive and in­di­vid­ual dri­ves shap­ing the fu­ture.